Friday, November 22, 2013

17 Weeks!

Well I'm 17 weeks now. Showing more than I have been the past couple weeks! Our 19 week ultrasound is scheduled for December 6th. But we aren't doing the gender reveal photos until December 7th! Our plan is to have the technician write down if it's a boy or girl and put it in an envelope. Then on December 7th we'll set up to take our photos for gender reveal and our photographer's girlfriend will end up opening the envelope. Exciting stuff! I'm so ready to know the gender. Sick of people asking me if I know yet and then I can start going crazy with our baby registry!!!

Had a cavity filled on Wednesday. Apparently if you're pregnant you can't use the same kind of novocaine that you usually would. Instead I got some other kind of anesthesia that they shot into my mouth for what seemed like FOREVER! I swear the shot thing was like 5 inches long and they were putting liquid into my mouth for 3 minutes straight! The most amusing part of the whole thing was watching myself in the mirror afterword. Attempting to smile and only being able to smile with one side haha, it looked like I had a stroke. My dentist's wife is pregnant too. Apparently she had horrible morning sickness and she is having pregnant gingivitis. My dentist freaked me out by telling me I need to brush a lot and floss so I don't get the pregnant gingivitis. So far I think I've lucked out pretty well on most of the horrible pregnancy symptoms. Except the extra fluid one. Like extra fluid coming out of every hole in my body. Not really, but I constantly need issues and let's just say all that extra fluid your body is creating sometimes will start to run down your leg. GROSS! Jenny McCarthy said she had to change underwear multiple times a day. At least mine isn't that bad! Just another pregnancy symptom that all you non-pregnant people out there have to look forward too. haha.....

Anyway here's my 17 week photo. Also some photos of the room we're going to use for the baby's room in it's current state. Random carpet, random chair, random junk, bookcase I put together myself!!! and of course our still boxed up crib and dresser that we still need to put together.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Go IKEA!!!!

So after much deliberation on whether to get Pottery Barn furniture or Ikea we decided to go with Ikea after visiting the store and realizing their cribs are pretty well put together and sturdy.

We have now bought the crib, dresser, and bookcase! And the plan is to buy this "changing tray" from Wayfair to put on top of the Ikea dresser to hold the changing table pad.

Let's just put it this way... On sale.... Pottery Barn crib - $399, Pottery Barn large dresser with changing table tray - $849.
That's $1248 just alone!!!

Our Ikea furniture... Crib-$119, Dresser-$299, Bookcase-$149. Plus the Wayfair changing tray $119 is $686!!!!!

Now if only Ikea sold swivel chairs.... Hopefully we can find one somewhere for less than $1000. The Pottery Barn ones are definitely over $1000 with the ottoman.

Anyway check out our purchases!!! We are going with white furniture, gray decor (mostly chevrons and elephants), and either blue or pink walls with some blue or pink decor mixed in!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

16 Weeks - Baby Bump is FORMING!

Okay so maybe now I finally have somewhat of a baby bump. Mostly it just looks like a tiny beer gut, but whatever. I'm definitely not at the point where people would know I'm pregnant when I walk by, but it's something. I kinda wish people did know I was pregnant though because I seriously want to kick the guy out of the disabled person/pregnant chick seat on the metro.

I finally went maternity clothes shopping this weekend. Talk about a miserable experience. You walk through the clothes and you're like WHY IS EVERYTHING SO UGLY???? Also why do they put horizontal stripes on the majority of pregnancy clothes. Hello we don't need our stomachs to look even bigger! Also my whole life I've had this "my legs are too long for my body" issue. Well it's even worse when pregnant! There are like NO options for people who have abnormally long legs. Let's put it this way. I'm 5'5" and my legs are usually a 35" - 36".... that's like the size of someone who is 5'9" so it sucks. Usually I buy my clothes online with places that sell lengths. So at the maternity store I attempt to try on the normal jeans and work pants. O my god talk about some major flood action going on. The pants and jeans were two inches from the ground with just my socks on! So we searched for long jeans and long pants. Found one pair of long jeans and two pairs of black long work pants. That's it! And guess what even on their website all they have are those two pairs of black long work pants. At least one of them comes in gray, I might end up ordering them.

Other interesting things from this week... I finally ordered two baby books. One that is very informative and the other is Jenny McCarthy's book (hilarious, pregnancy sucks book). Well both arrived. The very informative book is HUGE! Like it's 6x8 and over an inch wide. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Here's the problem I never read like ever.... Like ya know when your teacher gives you a book to read in high school. Ya never read those.... ANY OF THEM! Thanks Sparknotes for all your help. So basically I opened the very informative book and read a page.... put it down and picked up Jenny McCarthy's book. Which is hilarious by the way. My husband is reading a different book, "Dude You're Going to be a Dad". Which actually is much more informative then Jenny McCarthy's book. Maybe I'll get through the very informative book. Or maybe not.... Or maybe I should try to order a shorter book? I need a pregnancy book that's more like a story and isn't 6x8 1.5 inches wide. So if you know of one please let me know... preferably something like Nicolas Sparks haha.....

Here's my 16 Week Pic! Check out those awesome maternity pants!!! Also I think I'm looking up in this pic because my husband was taller than the camera haha o well!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

15 Weeks

Had my 15 week appointment today. Apparently I need to gain more weight. I have only gained 1 pound so far according to their records and I should have gained at least 4 pounds by now.... Not good.... Problem is I get hungry, but I start eating and quickly get pretty full. Like can't eat anymore feel like I'm going to explode full and I've only ate a couple bites....

We bought our first baby toy! Stroller and carseat! Amazon was having this amazing deal where if you bought the stroller you got the carseat free! Saved $140! I asked around and all my friends told me I couldn't pass up that deal so stroller and carseat have arrived! Last night my husband put them together while I watched sitting on the couch with the puppies. Luckily it seems pretty easy to switch things out like carseat versus regular seat and folding the whole thing up. It's kind of exciting to have our first baby thing!

Here's an amusing picture of me with the carseat and stroller with my kickball gear on. Yes I'm still playing kickball. I was pretty bad at kickball before I got pregnant so there's not much of a difference now.

How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 1.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Not yet, might have to go shopping this weekend. Walking around with my pants unbuttoned is feeling a little weird....
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good. Have to pee A LOT in the middle of the night. 
Best moment this week: Trying out our new stroller and carseat
Have you told family and friends: Told family and most friends if I've seen them. Haven't posted it on Facebook or anything. 
Miss Anything? Brunch Mimosas
Movement: Not Yet
Food cravings: Oatmeal Creme Pies and White Cheddar Cheeze Its
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much anymore as long as I eat in the morning!
Have you started to show yet: Not really, just a little chubbier
Gender prediction: Not sure at alll.... Josh says Girl. At the doctor today they said maybe Boy...
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? IN 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, just tired still 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and getting to set up the nursery!