Friday, February 13, 2015

9 Months!

Well Avery is 9 months. I can't believe how big he's gotten. Time really does fly.

He still doesn't really crawl. He's really good at scooting. He uses his arms to pull himself forward, kind of like an army crawl. It's cute. He's also getting good at transferring himself from object to object standing up. He goes from his play block, to the coffee table, to the activity table. Problem is now he occasionally falls, which is sad because of course he cries.

We've also been going through some other hard times. Around 8.5-9 months he was constantly whining. I think he just really wanted to crawl and he couldn't. So he would just whine alll daaayyyy long. He whined when I was holding him, he whined when playing, he whined when eating! SO MUCH WHINING! Luckily it has started to slow down and I'm getting my sanity back.

Also Avery now refuses to get pureed food. He only wants to eat food that he can pick up himself. If you try to feed him pureed food he grabs the spoon and flips out. So we have resorted to cutting foods up into tiny pieces that he can eat. So cheese, strawberries, grapes. and bananas. He's also a huge fan of Annie's Mac & Cheese haha.

Other than these couple issues things are still going well. Avery has two full teeth on the bottom now and he's getting 2 on the top. He's 22 pounds now. My big boy :).