Thursday, April 30, 2015

Funny Eater

Yesterday instead of picking food up with his hands like Avery usually does, he decided to use his mouth instead. Meaning the food was on the tray and he just kept putting his mouth down to the tray and eating it right off the tray. Kind of like a dog! haha it was amusing!

Also usually when we go outside we put a pacifier in Avery's mouth to stop him from eating grass, sticks, dirt, etc. But yesterday I kept putting the pacifier in his mouth, then he would spit it out and grab a stick to chew on! He kept doing it over and over again! It was funny, but who knows how much dirt he ate!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Avery loves being outside. These days when I take him on a walk I usually put him in the baby bjorn and walk around the block. He loves it. Sometime the whole way he will just babble. He likes to make noises then use his fingers to move his lips and make "blah blah blah" sounds.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

One line a day

Okay so clearly I am avoiding this blog. Just been super busy.

Here's the plan. After hearing one of my fellow moms speak I'm going to try and at least right one line a day about mom life, or Avery, or something like that.

For now I have a few lines.

Avery now goes through the dog door.... this is causing many problems. But it is super cute. Usually after he goes through it he just starts laughing. He loves being outside.

Avery also likes to take the vents off of the grates in the house. The other day he almost dropped a pacifier down one!

I can't believe my baby is almost one year old. It's been exciting and hard. It's definitely gotten easier the older he gets, but also in some ways harder. No longer can I sit on the couch and have my baby snuggle with me.