Monday, September 9, 2013

Crazy Weekend

Well this weekend was somewhat of a disaster.

Started with me having what I would call cramps on Thursday night and then extending into Friday which then forced me to walk into a late night clinic. Sadly seems like most clinics can't do much for someone who is 6-7 weeks pregnant and feeling in pain. They ended up sending me to the ER.

I arrived at the ER at 7pm.... We left the ER at 12:00am.

I learned a lot/sat a lot/watched "In Time" on my tiny iphone screen.

Turns out I have a hematoma above the sack. Basically I'm bruised inside above where the baby is. This leads to me having to rest, not getting to work out, and not being able to do other "things". Which sucks... But apparently it's kind of normal. And only 1-3% of women have a miscarriage after finding out they have a hematoma inside themselves. So that's good, but I feel like a bum because basically all I did all weekend was sit... and then came to work and sat some more!

Also at the ER I learned my blood type was O-. Meaning I'm the universal donor. Sadly I have lived 26 years of my life never knowing this. And now I feel like a jerk because I've never donated blood. Guess I can at some point once I'm not pregnant anymore. One issue with being O- is the fact that my baby might have a positive blood type. So then apparently my body might start to attack the baby's blood because it's different than my own. They gave me this horribly painful shot in order to fix this problem if indeed my body might be attacking my baby's blood.

Other ridiculous news from this weekend. As I'm sitting on my bum trying not to do much but walk around I get a call from my husband. He's on his way to urgent care. He messed up his ankle playing soccer. After only an hour and a half in the urgent care center (at least a lot less than the night before) we learn his ankle is sprained. At least that's better than a break. But it's all purple and bruised and he's on crutches. So much for my "needing to rest" period. Up and down and up and down getting anything he and I both need. I guess things could be worse.

At least on Sunday I think I might have finally finished my chalk board. Which will soon be filled with info about my baby and lovely me and my stomach beside it. Chalk board pics coming soon!

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