Friday, October 11, 2013

11 Weeks

Well I am finally 11 weeks. Almost 12 weeks. Almost 3 months!

I'm still not showing at all and haven't gained any weight. Better yet I actually lost some. Everyone says that's fine so I'm just going to roll with it. Plus I haven't had to buy any new clothes yet! I'm starting to look a little pudgy in my regular clothes, but not too bad. Hoping I can live out my regular clothes as long as possible.

In other news I finally threw up once. Apparently sitting in 90 degree weather and then getting in the car for 15 minutes is bad news. Threw up on the side of our super busy parkway in my DC area suburban county.  Luckily the only person who gave me a weird look was the guy riding his bike on the bike path along the parkway. O well! That's life!

Yesterday I went for my 11 week appointment. We got to hear the heartbeat which was pretty cool. No new sonogram though :( Maybe next time!

My baby is the size of a lime and is starting to look more a human so that's good.

Finally going to tell more work people next week. I think it's time since I'm almost 12 weeks. Should definitely be interesting....

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