Number one thing that sucks about traveling while pregnant....
Not being able to drink... SUCKS!!! Everyone is relaxing and drinking and trying foreign drinks and having fun. I on the other hand was completely sober watching everyone having fun and drinking...
Here's a few pics from England!
Tomorrow we go for our 19 week ultrasound. The one that takes about 45 minutes where they make sure nothing is wrong with development. Also this is the one where we figure out the gender!!! FINALLY!!! The only thing that stinks is we are going to have her put a piece of paper in an envelope that says what the gender is so we can instead find out the gender at our gender reveal photos! Which are going to be on Saturday. How will I ever wait???!!!! I'm so excited to finally learn the gender. Then we can actually start decorating and I can put all the wonderful gender specific stuff on my registry!!!!
I'll be sure to post our gender reveal photos as soon as I get them!!!
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