Thursday, January 30, 2014

27 Weeks

Here's my 27 weeks pic!

So I decided to use this time so talk about some of my favorite pregnancy websites and links just so you know....

Baby Center
Everything you could want to know. Best for any medical questions. Sign up for their weekly emails so you know all the medical greatness that is happening in your belly each week.

Pregnant Chicken
This is an awesome website. Be sure to sign up for her weekly emails. Most people sign up for the medical website's weekly emails, but Pregnant Chicken's are amazing. They usually come into your inbox at like 6am so when you wake up in the morning you can read the hilariousness that she has in store for you for that week. It's great. These are pretty much the only emails I also read to my husband because it's not boring and filled with a bunch of medical info.
Also she has great tips for pretty much anything. From what's safe when you're pregnant to the stages of pregnancy. It's all very lighthearted and amusing.

The Bump
This is the same company that has the website The Knot. Their weekly emails aren't as helpful or interesting as Baby Center or Pregnant Chicken, but they do feature a vegetable or fruit every week showing what size your baby is. Also there's some interesting info on preparing for baby money-wise and some good stuff on nursery decor.

Lucie's List
Lucie's List is a baby registry saver. You start looking at everything Babies R Us has and it can get super overwhelming. Lucie's List makes things easy. She tells you what you really need and then she usually gives you at least 3 options depending upon what kind of budget you have. It's awesome. I used this for everything on my registry.
Also this page of her's is great.
It basically tells you what all is going to happen right after you give birth. She talks about what's happening with you and your baby.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

26 Weeks!

26 Weeks Pic!
Baby Boy is almost 2 pounds! And really starting to kick me like CRAZY!!! Especially when I'm trying to go to sleep...

Also Babies R Us registry sucks... It almost always crashes on me.... My Amazon and Pottery Barn Kids registries are much better!

Ok at 26 weeks this is what I've decided the two worst things are about being pregnant. (mind you my opinion might change when I get further along)

1 - This horrible rib pain. It sucks. I finally called the OBGYN and asked them if I could see a chiropractor or something and they basically said a chiropractor wouldn't be able to do anything for the pain. They told me to try and not sit as often.... I have a desk job people! Kinda impossible!! It's like a shooting pain on my left side between my boob and my huge stomach. AHHH I really hope this doesn't last the entire pregnancy. I'm sick and tired of trying to sit in weird positions where it doesn't hurt as much.
2 - Discharge.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

25 Weeks! 15 weeks to go!

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 15 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Yes! Starting to get to the point of not being able to even wear non-maternity shirts!
Stretch marks? I have none on my stomach.... But I think I have two on my boobs! At least I can still wear a bikini after? Maybe?
Sleep: It's okay.... Have to get up and pee a lot and I sometimes wake up with horrible leg cramps! 
Best moment this week: Putting up the vinyl tree sticker in the baby's room
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? Skiing.... I had a dream I was skiing and ice skating...
Movement: Lots! Movement usually happens like 7:15am, 12pm, and 6pm-sleep
Food cravings: Chocolate.... 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Uh most definitely. People look at stomach and then look at my face!
Gender prediction: We know it's a boy!
Labor Signs: Nope just occasional cramping and stuff
Belly Button in or out? Ugh starting to go out.... It's weird only like half of it is out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Just can't believe I still have 15 weeks left..... 
Looking forward to: Baby Shower March 1st! Can't wait to see everyone and it be closer to spring and my good friend from California is coming and my cousin from Colorado!

Friday, January 10, 2014

24 Weeks! Babymoon!

Just got back from our Babymoon! Was amazing! I highly recommend everyone go on some kind of trip with their spouse/partner/whatever before the baby is born. Definitely a time for you to just focus on each other and spend some alone time together. It was just great to relax and not have to think about daily life.

We decided to go on a 5 night cruise to Belize City and Cozumel. The weather was good and bad. Super sunny and then rainy, but we still had a good time. Luckily since we were moving around so much my rib pain issue wasn't too much of a problem. Seems to be my daily life of sitting is what bugs my ribs. It sucks because if I sit for too long my ribs hurt, but if I stand/walk for too long my feet feel like they are on FIRE! So that's life.

In total I saw three other women on the cruise who were pregnant. I was the most pregnant probably because I was the closest to the time allowed on a cruise.... 24 weeks. So if you are going to cruise make sure you cruise before 24 weeks! Otherwise they don't want you and your might have early labor issues on the boat.

Here's a few pics from our trip!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!!!!!

Happy 2014!

It's a new year! The year our baby will be born!

Things are progressing along very well. I finally look legit pregnant and our nursery is starting to actually look like a nursery!

Downside is some of these really crappy pregnancy symptoms. My ribs HURT! Only on the left side right underneath my boob. They only hurt towards the end of the day. I think a lot of it depends upon what I've been doing all day. I can sit in my desk chair and be fine, but once I get home and sit on the couch it starts hurting like MAD again. Also I'm fine when walking around, but then my feet start hurting so it's either one thing hurts or the other. Luckily a heating pad helps a little bit. Not drastically, but a little. Also I woke up last night with a horrible leg cramp. Like I wanted to start crying it hurt so bad. Was like the worst charlie horse EVER! Luckily I kept my mouth shut so I wouldn't wake up my husband and our dogs.

In other news.... BABYMOON!!!! We leave for our 5 night cruise on Saturday! I am so excited to get to some warm weather and just relax!!! I feel like we have been so busy. It will be great to just spend some time with my husband and lounge around.

Here's my 23 week pic and some updated nursery pics!