Thursday, January 23, 2014

26 Weeks!

26 Weeks Pic!
Baby Boy is almost 2 pounds! And really starting to kick me like CRAZY!!! Especially when I'm trying to go to sleep...

Also Babies R Us registry sucks... It almost always crashes on me.... My Amazon and Pottery Barn Kids registries are much better!

Ok at 26 weeks this is what I've decided the two worst things are about being pregnant. (mind you my opinion might change when I get further along)

1 - This horrible rib pain. It sucks. I finally called the OBGYN and asked them if I could see a chiropractor or something and they basically said a chiropractor wouldn't be able to do anything for the pain. They told me to try and not sit as often.... I have a desk job people! Kinda impossible!! It's like a shooting pain on my left side between my boob and my huge stomach. AHHH I really hope this doesn't last the entire pregnancy. I'm sick and tired of trying to sit in weird positions where it doesn't hurt as much.
2 - Discharge.

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