Friday, January 10, 2014

24 Weeks! Babymoon!

Just got back from our Babymoon! Was amazing! I highly recommend everyone go on some kind of trip with their spouse/partner/whatever before the baby is born. Definitely a time for you to just focus on each other and spend some alone time together. It was just great to relax and not have to think about daily life.

We decided to go on a 5 night cruise to Belize City and Cozumel. The weather was good and bad. Super sunny and then rainy, but we still had a good time. Luckily since we were moving around so much my rib pain issue wasn't too much of a problem. Seems to be my daily life of sitting is what bugs my ribs. It sucks because if I sit for too long my ribs hurt, but if I stand/walk for too long my feet feel like they are on FIRE! So that's life.

In total I saw three other women on the cruise who were pregnant. I was the most pregnant probably because I was the closest to the time allowed on a cruise.... 24 weeks. So if you are going to cruise make sure you cruise before 24 weeks! Otherwise they don't want you and your might have early labor issues on the boat.

Here's a few pics from our trip!


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