Well I've had a somewhat exciting past couple days. More like annoying I'd say though.
Woke up Thursday morning to having two cups of clear fluid just pour out of me. Well I had assumed that meant my water broke and time to head to the hospital. So we get ready and head on over. After a couple tests they decide my water has not broken.... Maybe I just peed myself? So we get sent home....
After that I decided to work from home. After smelling what had spilled on the floor and everything else I was still convinced my water had broken. By the way I even attempted to take the 2 tablespoons of castor oil in orange juice. Definitely did not work. Continued to have contractions that day, but still no baby.
Friday morning. I'm still completely convinced my water did break on Thursday. Decide I'm going to work from home just in case. Call the doctor, tell them I think my water did break, was told to head back to the hospital.
Drive to the hospital yet again. Run a couple more tests. Including an ultrasound to see if Baby Avery is still living in liquid. He is. So I get sent home once again.
Doctors, everyone says I probably won't make it through the weekend.
On Friday I was 4cm 80% effaced. Seems like labor should start any second right? Well definitely not.... Even the doctor's were like any day now.
Spent Friday trying other techniques. Walking, taking primrose oil, etc. Nothing...
Spent Saturday trying again. More walking, sex, primrose oil. Nothing....
Spent Sunday trying again. Walking, primrose oil, even nipple stimulation. NOTHING
So I've decided he's just not going to come out. I'm going to be huge forever with my baby living inside of me. The end.
So now today is Monday. I'm back at work feeling like a fool because everyone thought I was going to have this baby on Thursday. "Yes I'm here" "Nope baby is still here" AHHHH
Wish me luck. I WANT THIS BABY OUT!!!!
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