Thursday, December 19, 2013

21 Weeks!

21 Weeks! More than half way! Baby is 10.5 inches long.

So I decided that we should go over some pregnancy symptoms and what I've got/gotten and what I haven't.

First and foremost. Morning Sickness. Morning sickness for most women usually only lasts the first trimester (first 12 weeks). During the first 12 weeks I did feel like I was going to puke a lot, but I only puked once! Since around 12 weeks I haven't felt like I was going to puke at all.

Breast Soreness. Definitely had that in the beginning. Probably 6 weeks-12 weeks. Luckily it's all gone now!

Gums bleeding and other tooth issues. Nope didn't get any of those! Some women end up getting pregnancy gingivitis. Not me!

Headaches/migraines. Definitely got those for about 3 weeks straight. Around 13 weeks-16 weeks. Horrible horrible headaches that wouldn't go away with tylenol. I'd go to sleep with a headache and woke up with one!

Spotting and Cramping. After my visit to the ER at 6 weeks with horrible cramping that was related to me having a blot clot inside of myself I haven't felt any since! The only spotting happened when I was at the ER and they were doing tests.

Fatigue. This one I feel like is never going to go away! I'm so tired all the time!!!! Baby and I like to get about 9 hours of sleep every night and then during the day I usually have to take another nap!

Mood swings. Got those somewhat. Only flipped out on my husband once though. Definitely had some times where I would cry about really stupid things and would have to go to the bathroom at work and hide until I could stop crying. Most of these things were during 14 weeks-16 weeks.

Constipation. Nope! Yay!

Frequent urination. Uhh yes. I don't think anyone can say no to this one while pregnant. It's getting worse now that baby is getting bigger and pressing down on my bladder more. I feel like I stand up and have to pee!

Increased discharge. Let's just say yes and move on.

Greasy Face, increased Acne, greasy hair. Somewhat? I definitely get more zits now than I did when I wasn't pregnant, but it isn't too bad. Luckily my hair isn't super greasy or anything though.

Food Stuff. Definitely been craving some things, but luckily nothing weird like chalk. Also I used to be able to eat tacos everyday. BRING ME THE MEXICAN FOOD! Now though I hate it.... Which sucks because my husband still loves it. O also another word of advice. Do not stock up on foods you are craving. Because in a couple weeks you won't crave it anymore. I have tons of uncrustables (mini PB&Js), white cheddar cheese itz, and Cheerios.

Okay that's all the symptoms I can think of for now...

Here's my 21 weeks pic!

Here's some pics from the babies room!
We finished painting, redid the closet rails, added new closet doors, and put together all the ikea furniture!
The green chair will be replaced with my awesome gray chevron chair I bought last post.
Then all we need is the changing table tray and all of our lovely family and friends to help us out with decor! Curtains, rug, mattress, sheets, etc!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I'm a sucker for a sale.....

Just bought this awesome chair from It's a glider and a recliner! Definitely completes my major furniture expenditures.
Crib-Done, Dresser-Done, Bookcase-Done, Chair-Done!
Now for furniture all we have to get is a nightstand to put beside the chair and the changing table tray to add to the dresser.

We also painted the baby's room this weekend! We went with a medium gray. And we redid the closet and added new closet doors! Things are really coming together!

Now hopefully all my lovely friends and family will get us stuff to decorate and furnish the rest of the room! Yay so exciting!!!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

20 Weeks!!! Half Way!!! and Work Holiday Party

20 Weeks!

Finally half way!

Sorry there's no chalkboard picture. I was at my company holiday party.
Here's some pics from that though!

Dressing up - pregnancy style....

Monday, December 9, 2013


So in light of our recent finding out that it's a boy I decided to change up the decor a little bit.

Gray walls, navy blue chevrons, and some elephants thrown in!

Also here's some of the sonogram photos from Friday!

Friday, December 6, 2013

19 Week Photo!

Sorry for the fuzziness.... Taking photos at night is hard.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Traveling While Pregnant

So for Thanksgiving we went to England. My mom said it was my last trip kid-less. We had a good time. Saw lots of stuff we haven't seen before. Spent most of the time with my Au Pair's parents and got to see my Au Pair and meet her kids too. She was my Au Pair when I was like 7 years old so obviously a long time ago, but we have still kept in touch. It was definitely COLD there! So I spent my 18 weeks pregnant in England so that's why I didn't post a chalkboard pic.

Number one thing that sucks about traveling while pregnant....
Not being able to drink... SUCKS!!! Everyone is relaxing and drinking and trying foreign drinks and having fun. I on the other hand was completely sober watching everyone having fun and drinking...

Here's a few pics from England!

In other news... Today is 19 weeks! I will post a pic later! I think I even felt baby moving last night! We were sitting on the couch and I kept feeling random thumps. I was like for sure my gas cannot be this bad. My husband even put his hand on my stomach and felt one of the movements. So that was pretty awesome.

Tomorrow we go for our 19 week ultrasound. The one that takes about 45 minutes where they make sure nothing is wrong with development. Also this is the one where we figure out the gender!!! FINALLY!!! The only thing that stinks is we are going to have her put a piece of paper in an envelope that says what the gender is so we can instead find out the gender at our gender reveal photos! Which are going to be on Saturday. How will I ever wait???!!!! I'm so excited to finally learn the gender. Then we can actually start decorating and I can put all the wonderful gender specific stuff on my registry!!!!

I'll be sure to post our gender reveal photos as soon as I get them!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

17 Weeks!

Well I'm 17 weeks now. Showing more than I have been the past couple weeks! Our 19 week ultrasound is scheduled for December 6th. But we aren't doing the gender reveal photos until December 7th! Our plan is to have the technician write down if it's a boy or girl and put it in an envelope. Then on December 7th we'll set up to take our photos for gender reveal and our photographer's girlfriend will end up opening the envelope. Exciting stuff! I'm so ready to know the gender. Sick of people asking me if I know yet and then I can start going crazy with our baby registry!!!

Had a cavity filled on Wednesday. Apparently if you're pregnant you can't use the same kind of novocaine that you usually would. Instead I got some other kind of anesthesia that they shot into my mouth for what seemed like FOREVER! I swear the shot thing was like 5 inches long and they were putting liquid into my mouth for 3 minutes straight! The most amusing part of the whole thing was watching myself in the mirror afterword. Attempting to smile and only being able to smile with one side haha, it looked like I had a stroke. My dentist's wife is pregnant too. Apparently she had horrible morning sickness and she is having pregnant gingivitis. My dentist freaked me out by telling me I need to brush a lot and floss so I don't get the pregnant gingivitis. So far I think I've lucked out pretty well on most of the horrible pregnancy symptoms. Except the extra fluid one. Like extra fluid coming out of every hole in my body. Not really, but I constantly need issues and let's just say all that extra fluid your body is creating sometimes will start to run down your leg. GROSS! Jenny McCarthy said she had to change underwear multiple times a day. At least mine isn't that bad! Just another pregnancy symptom that all you non-pregnant people out there have to look forward too. haha.....

Anyway here's my 17 week photo. Also some photos of the room we're going to use for the baby's room in it's current state. Random carpet, random chair, random junk, bookcase I put together myself!!! and of course our still boxed up crib and dresser that we still need to put together.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Go IKEA!!!!

So after much deliberation on whether to get Pottery Barn furniture or Ikea we decided to go with Ikea after visiting the store and realizing their cribs are pretty well put together and sturdy.

We have now bought the crib, dresser, and bookcase! And the plan is to buy this "changing tray" from Wayfair to put on top of the Ikea dresser to hold the changing table pad.

Let's just put it this way... On sale.... Pottery Barn crib - $399, Pottery Barn large dresser with changing table tray - $849.
That's $1248 just alone!!!

Our Ikea furniture... Crib-$119, Dresser-$299, Bookcase-$149. Plus the Wayfair changing tray $119 is $686!!!!!

Now if only Ikea sold swivel chairs.... Hopefully we can find one somewhere for less than $1000. The Pottery Barn ones are definitely over $1000 with the ottoman.

Anyway check out our purchases!!! We are going with white furniture, gray decor (mostly chevrons and elephants), and either blue or pink walls with some blue or pink decor mixed in!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

16 Weeks - Baby Bump is FORMING!

Okay so maybe now I finally have somewhat of a baby bump. Mostly it just looks like a tiny beer gut, but whatever. I'm definitely not at the point where people would know I'm pregnant when I walk by, but it's something. I kinda wish people did know I was pregnant though because I seriously want to kick the guy out of the disabled person/pregnant chick seat on the metro.

I finally went maternity clothes shopping this weekend. Talk about a miserable experience. You walk through the clothes and you're like WHY IS EVERYTHING SO UGLY???? Also why do they put horizontal stripes on the majority of pregnancy clothes. Hello we don't need our stomachs to look even bigger! Also my whole life I've had this "my legs are too long for my body" issue. Well it's even worse when pregnant! There are like NO options for people who have abnormally long legs. Let's put it this way. I'm 5'5" and my legs are usually a 35" - 36".... that's like the size of someone who is 5'9" so it sucks. Usually I buy my clothes online with places that sell lengths. So at the maternity store I attempt to try on the normal jeans and work pants. O my god talk about some major flood action going on. The pants and jeans were two inches from the ground with just my socks on! So we searched for long jeans and long pants. Found one pair of long jeans and two pairs of black long work pants. That's it! And guess what even on their website all they have are those two pairs of black long work pants. At least one of them comes in gray, I might end up ordering them.

Other interesting things from this week... I finally ordered two baby books. One that is very informative and the other is Jenny McCarthy's book (hilarious, pregnancy sucks book). Well both arrived. The very informative book is HUGE! Like it's 6x8 and over an inch wide. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Here's the problem I never read like ever.... Like ya know when your teacher gives you a book to read in high school. Ya never read those.... ANY OF THEM! Thanks Sparknotes for all your help. So basically I opened the very informative book and read a page.... put it down and picked up Jenny McCarthy's book. Which is hilarious by the way. My husband is reading a different book, "Dude You're Going to be a Dad". Which actually is much more informative then Jenny McCarthy's book. Maybe I'll get through the very informative book. Or maybe not.... Or maybe I should try to order a shorter book? I need a pregnancy book that's more like a story and isn't 6x8 1.5 inches wide. So if you know of one please let me know... preferably something like Nicolas Sparks haha.....

Here's my 16 Week Pic! Check out those awesome maternity pants!!! Also I think I'm looking up in this pic because my husband was taller than the camera haha o well!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

15 Weeks

Had my 15 week appointment today. Apparently I need to gain more weight. I have only gained 1 pound so far according to their records and I should have gained at least 4 pounds by now.... Not good.... Problem is I get hungry, but I start eating and quickly get pretty full. Like can't eat anymore feel like I'm going to explode full and I've only ate a couple bites....

We bought our first baby toy! Stroller and carseat! Amazon was having this amazing deal where if you bought the stroller you got the carseat free! Saved $140! I asked around and all my friends told me I couldn't pass up that deal so stroller and carseat have arrived! Last night my husband put them together while I watched sitting on the couch with the puppies. Luckily it seems pretty easy to switch things out like carseat versus regular seat and folding the whole thing up. It's kind of exciting to have our first baby thing!

Here's an amusing picture of me with the carseat and stroller with my kickball gear on. Yes I'm still playing kickball. I was pretty bad at kickball before I got pregnant so there's not much of a difference now.

How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 1.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Not yet, might have to go shopping this weekend. Walking around with my pants unbuttoned is feeling a little weird....
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good. Have to pee A LOT in the middle of the night. 
Best moment this week: Trying out our new stroller and carseat
Have you told family and friends: Told family and most friends if I've seen them. Haven't posted it on Facebook or anything. 
Miss Anything? Brunch Mimosas
Movement: Not Yet
Food cravings: Oatmeal Creme Pies and White Cheddar Cheeze Its
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much anymore as long as I eat in the morning!
Have you started to show yet: Not really, just a little chubbier
Gender prediction: Not sure at alll.... Josh says Girl. At the doctor today they said maybe Boy...
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? IN 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, just tired still 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and getting to set up the nursery!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

hApPy HaLlOwEeN!!!

Happy Halloween!!!

14 weeks!! 2nd Trimester!!! FINALLY!!!!!

Today is Halloween. I decided to go with a yes I'm pregnant costume, but no it's not completely obvious that I am yet so I'll just tell you with my costume. Anyway hope you like it. I also had skeleton leggings to go with it, but I decided those weren't appropriate for work. So instead here's my work pants with costume t-shirt costume. Amazing right? Not really, but it works.

I'm already 14 weeks in and I'm sick of telling people. "Omg how far along are you?" "When are you due" "Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" "Are you going to find out the sex or are you going to keep it a surprise?" Anyway it's annoying. I wish I had a shirt that said... "yes I'm pregnant not getting fat, I'm due May 1st, I'm 14 weeks, and I'm going to find out the sex when I can dammit!" Too bad that would be a pretty wordy shirt and people would probably end up only reading the first line.... O well I can dream.

Anyway here's my Halloween pics!!!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Almost 13 Weeks

It looks like a real baby now!!!

We had our almost 13 week ultrasound today. We did a Nuchal Translucency test which tests for Down Syndrome and some other things.... Anyway the lady said after looking at our ultrasound everything looks good! Apparently they look at the fluid under the neck and measure it. Mine was at 1.8mm. Bad signs are at 3mm. So we're good!

Other than that everything is still going well. Telling more people now even though I'm still not really showing. Just getting a little chunky in the middle haha.

Anyway here's the photos of my 3in baby in my tummy!

Friday, October 11, 2013

11 Weeks

Well I am finally 11 weeks. Almost 12 weeks. Almost 3 months!

I'm still not showing at all and haven't gained any weight. Better yet I actually lost some. Everyone says that's fine so I'm just going to roll with it. Plus I haven't had to buy any new clothes yet! I'm starting to look a little pudgy in my regular clothes, but not too bad. Hoping I can live out my regular clothes as long as possible.

In other news I finally threw up once. Apparently sitting in 90 degree weather and then getting in the car for 15 minutes is bad news. Threw up on the side of our super busy parkway in my DC area suburban county.  Luckily the only person who gave me a weird look was the guy riding his bike on the bike path along the parkway. O well! That's life!

Yesterday I went for my 11 week appointment. We got to hear the heartbeat which was pretty cool. No new sonogram though :( Maybe next time!

My baby is the size of a lime and is starting to look more a human so that's good.

Finally going to tell more work people next week. I think it's time since I'm almost 12 weeks. Should definitely be interesting....

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10 Weeks

Can you believe it? 10 Weeks! Time really does fly. I decided to take my pic this time with some tight clothes on to show there is a little bump. Not sure if that's me or baby though!

Luckily I still haven't gotten any morning sickness. I thought the other day I was for sure going to throw up, but it didn't happen. I am still super tired though. Most days at lunch I eat lunch then end up taking a 30 minute nap in my car. It's glorious. I have blankets and a pillow in the car so I attempt to make it pretty comfy. I'm also starving like all the time! I drink my two cups of milk on the way to work, then have oatmeal at work, and then by 11 I'm like okay when's lunch?! I also do this at the end of the day around 3pm. Which usually leads to me attempting to seek out whatever food I can find. Potato chips (which I never eat), starbursts, cookies, amazing treats from the coffee place next door, you name it! Also I've realized if anyone talks about certain food or I see certain food (like on a commercial) I want it! No matter what! Which is bad... Especially when people talk about food that no longer exists like Dunkaroos. Omg I could seriously chow down on some Dunkaroos right now. Also I've been craving those cheese ritz bitz. I even looked at the local CVS and 7Eleven near work. NO ONE HAS THEM!!!! We are apparently getting them put into our vending machine at work, but I have no idea what day that guy will appear! Anyway that's just me and my ridiculous food cravings. Check out my 10 week pic. It's a little yellow...  Apparently taking a photo at like 7am in the morning makes everything yellowy....

Friday, September 27, 2013

I've Been Sick FOREVER

Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile. I feel like I've been sick FOREVER! Started out with a sore throat last Friday and transformed into horrible migraine and now it's just stuffy nose and runny nose.... I feel like it's never going to stop! Doesn't help that I'm super tired all the time and every morning I feel nauseous. A friend of mine told me last night when she was pregnant she was sick all winter.... I really really hope that doesn't happen to me! Nothing is getting done! The house is a wreck! It took me a week to convince myself to go to Target and pick up a ton of stuff we needed. And I love my husband, but let's face it when you're sick they are less likely to pick up and do things themselves. Hopefully I can get some extra sleep this weekend and actually attempt to start living life for real again!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Yes I know I'm only 8 weeks. But me being the crazy get ready loving decorating type I decided to go ahead and see what kind of themes I could decorate my baby's room like! Loving all these chevron ideas from Pottery Barn. And mixing in some Ikea furniture and Babies R Us furniture.

My first idea is to paint the room a color. Probably a color that somewhat goes with whatever gender it will be and then use gray decor. Or..... paint the room gray and use pink, green, or navy blue decor....  And of course loving the cute little elephants!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

7 Weeks

Here's my 7 weeks pic!

Dot Picture

Yay! Finally got my "dot picture"! Well basically the picture of my growing baby that only looks like a dot. But it's something! We even got to see the heart flickering! Then she also showed us a shot where the dot was connected to the yoke sack and you could even see the blood flowing. Was kinda cool.

Finally starting to feel that awesome morning sickness. Or every time sickness. Ya know that feeling when you're drunk and you just feel like crap and you think "if I could just throw up everything would be better"? Well ya that's how it feels. Your stomach hurts and you just want to throw up and move on, but it doesn't happen! Instead you deal with it for a couple hours and then finally it goes away.

Luckily during the ultrasound we also learned that the hematoma inside has moved. It has moved to the lower left side. Hopefully that means it has less of a chance of making the sack detach. This is me attempting to dumb down all the doctor lingo.

Other things I learned this week:
My baby looks like a shark with a tail and two flippers and it's the size of a blueberry!
O and also apparently sometimes sperm can start contractions....

Anyway here's the picture of my dot!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Crazy Weekend

Well this weekend was somewhat of a disaster.

Started with me having what I would call cramps on Thursday night and then extending into Friday which then forced me to walk into a late night clinic. Sadly seems like most clinics can't do much for someone who is 6-7 weeks pregnant and feeling in pain. They ended up sending me to the ER.

I arrived at the ER at 7pm.... We left the ER at 12:00am.

I learned a lot/sat a lot/watched "In Time" on my tiny iphone screen.

Turns out I have a hematoma above the sack. Basically I'm bruised inside above where the baby is. This leads to me having to rest, not getting to work out, and not being able to do other "things". Which sucks... But apparently it's kind of normal. And only 1-3% of women have a miscarriage after finding out they have a hematoma inside themselves. So that's good, but I feel like a bum because basically all I did all weekend was sit... and then came to work and sat some more!

Also at the ER I learned my blood type was O-. Meaning I'm the universal donor. Sadly I have lived 26 years of my life never knowing this. And now I feel like a jerk because I've never donated blood. Guess I can at some point once I'm not pregnant anymore. One issue with being O- is the fact that my baby might have a positive blood type. So then apparently my body might start to attack the baby's blood because it's different than my own. They gave me this horribly painful shot in order to fix this problem if indeed my body might be attacking my baby's blood.

Other ridiculous news from this weekend. As I'm sitting on my bum trying not to do much but walk around I get a call from my husband. He's on his way to urgent care. He messed up his ankle playing soccer. After only an hour and a half in the urgent care center (at least a lot less than the night before) we learn his ankle is sprained. At least that's better than a break. But it's all purple and bruised and he's on crutches. So much for my "needing to rest" period. Up and down and up and down getting anything he and I both need. I guess things could be worse.

At least on Sunday I think I might have finally finished my chalk board. Which will soon be filled with info about my baby and lovely me and my stomach beside it. Chalk board pics coming soon!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

This is Really Happening

Let me preface this blog by saying that yes my husband and I did go to art school. We both went to SCAD and lets face it if you choose to make art your thing in life you never really grow out of being a kid. Like oh my god is that glittered chalk!? You get the point...

Anyway there currently are no art school kids' kids. But the plan is to have them!

Speaking of that two weeks ago I found out I was pregnant. WHAT?! Ya know that moment when you miss that lovely womanly time that you're supposed to get every month and you do a little freak out? Well even if you are somewhat trying or "not, not trying" as we like to say, you still have that little freak out. Like oh my god did it really happen this fast? Is it for real? Well after taking two home pregnancy tests that day and another the next day it seemed to really be for real.

By the way be sure to read the small text on those booklets that come with the tests. Even if one of the lines is SUPER faded it's still for real!

The first thing I did was start googling things. Who doesn't? Can I do this, can I do this...? You get the picture. Then I started googling when the heck you actually go in and have a real doctor's appointment. Most sites said wait until 8 weeks. Well I decided come the next weekday I was going to call my normal doctor just in case. I got an appointment for later that week. Of course I took another home pregnancy test the day before just to make sure yet again if "this is really happening".

Then I started googling more. "Don't tell anyone until 12 weeks because you might have a miscarriage and that's embarrassing to tell everyone". Great advice, but I suck at keeping secrets. So of course I ended up telling one of my best friends two days later. She was visiting from California so clearly this would be the only time I could tell her in person so I might as well tell her right? Well it went well, but of course I knew I needed to try to keep it a secret still. 

For the record if you go to a normal doctor for a guaranteed test of being pregnant it's pretty boring. Here go pee in a cup. Here go take a blood test. Okay great so the normal doctor says I'm pregnant. That makes it real right? Well it made it somewhat more real.

So we decided at this point maybe we should tell our parents. Telling my parents was pretty casual. Few questions and some comments. But they already knew we were "not, not trying". Telling my husband's mom was a little different she had no idea we were "not, not trying". She told us she was going to run around the house after hanging up the phone. She was definitely SUPER EXCITED! She told us she would wait awhile until she started buying stuff just in case we didn't make it till 12 weeks.

By the way how depressing is that. Try to keep it a secret, try not to get too excited, it might not last. Well as I said me and secrets don't work out very well. Last Friday we went bowling with friends and of course everyone kept asking why I wasn't drinking. My "I have a headache" excuse didn't work very well with 4 of my best friends. Everyone was happy though once we announced the news and in the end I got a referral for my friends OBGYN to make my first "real" appointment. So that's coming up in a couple weeks. I can't believe I have to wait until 9 weeks!

Okay that's enough of me chatting for now. Now time to attempt to keep this secret a little longer!